Obviously, having your office cleaned costs money and you might be forgiven for
thinking that having it cleaned every day is a little bit of overkill. If you
take a little time to think about what’s involved and the benefits that result
however, you might agree that a daily office clean is worth every penny.
First impressions count so you want to make a great impression on your customers and clients every single day. Offices should be bright, clean and inviting and employees should have a clean workspace. From a customer’s perspective, a clean, tidy and inviting office reflects the ethos that they expect you to have with them – that if you value and care for your workspace and employees properly then you’re likely to value and care for your customers properly.
Some cleaning procedures – buffing hard floors perhaps – could be done once a week, but some things need to be done every day to avoid an office quickly turning into a less than pleasant environment.
A daily office clean could include emptying bins, carpet and hard floor vacuuming and cleaning, damp wipe and dusting of furniture, mopping and disinfecting hard floors, cleaning around light switches, door frames and both sides of glass doors, cleaning and polishing internal glass and metals, spot clean of walls and surfaces, general tidying.
The kitchen or rest room daily clean could include restocking soap dispensers, toilet rolls and hand towels, emptying bins, cleaning mirrors, wiping frames, doors and sills, cleaning basins, disinfecting urinals, toilets and surrounds, mopping and disinfecting hard floors, cleaning lifts and stairs, polishing glass and metals and spot cleans as required.
When we put it like that, it makes you wonder if once a day is enough!