It’s fair to say that due to coronavirus, people are far more concerned about how clean their offices or commercial premises are, especially as cases appear to be on the rise again.
Consequently, the essential staff who do the commercial cleaning are gaining a higher profile and some well-deserved appreciation. In fact, the professional cleaners who may previously have gone about their jobs unnoticed have become a genuinely welcome site as office staff understand the role the cleaners play in effective office sanitation.
It’s difficult to underestimate the peace of mind that seeing cleaning professionals at work brings to the office employees, and requests for visible daytime cleaning are on the increase – rather than night time slots which in the past may have been considered less disruptive to office staff and therefore favoured over daytime slots.
A survey carried out late last year by the Cleaning Coalition of America found that almost half were still worried about working in the office because of high infection rates and low vaccination rates. While vaccination rates have significantly increased, it appears that infection rates are also heading that way.
According to the study, nearly 40% of staff said that insufficient or inadequate cleaning of their workplace may cause them to change employment, nearly 90% felt that cleaning protocols at work were important or very important, and 62% said that the actual sight cleaning professionals at their workplace made them feel safer.
In the light of well-reported staff shortages, employers may be understandably concerned that a significant number of employees would consider changing jobs because of workplace cleanliness.
As coronavirus increasingly becomes something that we must ‘learn to live with’, offices, showrooms, warehouses and other commercial premises will continue to require more frequent, regular, vigilant attention.
Cleaning the workplace properly has never been more important and the use of a professional cleaning company can offer efficient, economical, unique solutions.