One of the unforeseen consequences of the pandemic is that many people have considered moving to a new house as they realise they want more outside space or more room to work from home.
Of course, for most of us, before we can buy a new house, we have to sell the one we’ve got, and obviously making it as appealing as possible to potential buyers for the minimum cost is likely to be high on the agenda. But that is easier said than done, so here are some ideas:
Firstly, don’t assume that every job has to be a huge undertaking. Small jobs can make a big difference and a simple reseal of kitchens and bathrooms, or a fresh coat of paint can do the trick. We often get so used to the faults in our homes that we just don’t see them after a while so it might be worth getting a friend to give you an honest appraisal. A few cracks in the plaster or a dripping tap can be sorted cheaply and easily – so long as you’re aware of it – and will give a good impression to a potential buyer.
Maximise the appeal of any spare space that you have as space is a major driver in people’s desire to move. Is it better to show the maximum number of bedrooms, or do you think the potential for a home office will be more appealing, in which case could you decide to use a desk and chair rather than a bed to show it off? Consider who your buyer might be, what they will be looking for, and therefore how best to utilise a spare room, or spare space. Try to invite viewers to see the potential.
First impressions are crucial so consider kerb your appeal. A quick and easy fix is to smarten up your front door with a good clean, removal of any rust or tarnish, followed by a polish or even a new coat of paint.
We can’t all be landscape gardeners, but an untidy garden can certainly put people off so weed the beds, mow the lawn, trim the hedges, clean the path and rake the leaves as it only costs you time and effort and could make a big difference.
As environmental issues are increasingly high on people’s agendas, try to include manageable and low cost green features. Draft excluders, energy saving bulbs and insulation are all inexpensive approaches.
Though it goes without saying that you need your whole house to be clean and tidy for viewings, the bathroom is probably the room where you need to focus most of your energy as mould and limescale is very unappealing. Remove limescale, regrout, and reseal if it’s grubby beyond repair. A new but cheap shower curtain or screen can really improve the look too.
You could even add a mirror to make the bathroom (and other rooms for that matter) look larger and brighter – especially if you can place it opposite a window to reflect the light.
And if this seems all too much, you could always ask a specialist cleaning company to come in and do a thorough clean for you…