As we know, cleaning a little, regularly, is the best way to keep on top of things. For many, cleaning is the bane of their existence, often because they put it off for so long, and when the time finally comes the task seems so huge that one doesn’t know where to begin.
The secret, it to clean a little bit, regularly. But blindly cleaning everything seems like overkill, which is why you should implement some kind of checklist, so that you know what to clean, and how regularly to clean it.
According to studies, only on in 3 households have dedicated cleaning schedule. This lack of organisation is one of the key players in terms of making cleaning a much more unpleasant job than it needs to be. To combat this, many families hire cleaners, and there cleaning robot market is set to expand massively.
Experts have identified the regularity needed for certain chores, and compiled these findings together to create checklist for you to follow. For example, thigs like washing dishes and putting them away, as we would suspect, need to be done every day. Not only does this increase the levels of tidiness, it prevents the spread of germs.
Vacuuming the house, however, is a weekly job. This helps to keep the levels of dirt and dust down, preventing it building up over the year and giving you a much larger task than necessary. Ovens and fridges need to be clean on a bi-annual basis. But cleaning window frames, and emptying gutters, need only be done once a year.