With the expansion of the Internet of Things, everything is becoming more
connected, including offices, and cleaning and hygiene at work. The internet saves
us so much time with countless jobs, but in the office, there is still a long way to go
before everyday processes become internet-linked.
There are a lot of ways to waste time in the office, be it hunting for a meeting room or going to the stockroom for supplies, controlling the lighting and heating, and finding an available toilet – these are all time wasters in an environment where time is money. If the internet was used to help synchronise and connect all this information, then our working lives could be made a lot easier and more productive.
Recent studies support the suggestion that increasingly connected offices would improve the working life of both employees and managers, and 73% of those surveyed felt that increased connectivity would increase efficiency and should be welcomed.
Connectivity of a network of sensors has the potential to find and fix inefficiencies, such as heaters and air conditioners that counteract each other. Solutions like this could save huge amounts of energy and money, and these sensors have the capacity for providing data upon which decisions can be based, rather than out-dated methods of data collection.
Global ICT company Ericsson has recently developed an app to help employees find an available meeting room through their smartphone, and the response was positive, although many employees claimed that they now want the same thing to help them find available toilets. Another company now has a way for cleaning staff to monitor refill levels in dispensers via their tablet or smartphone, allowing cleaning teams to know in advance which dispensers need refilling, and therefore improve hygiene efficiency.
Toilets and hygiene are the next goal for connected offices, as core hygiene is key to the wellbeing of office staff. Of 8,000 office workers questioned, 79% said that they would immediately inform their facility manager if they were unhappy with the quality of hygiene products in washrooms.
The same survey revealed that 40% of office workers have come across inadequately cleaned bathrooms and that connected office systems could have a positive impact on hygiene, and 60% believing that working remotely is good for their health.
In modern offices, 50% of people feel that their employer cares about the wellbeing, and now 45% of office premises have a café while almost a quarter have a gym. These positive changes also come with hygiene issues, which is why offices need to keep their cleaning services as up to date as possible.
The incorporation of a café in an office means that employers are likely to buy a sandwich and return to their desk, which can be an issue, as 62% of people admitted to being squeamish about coming across crumbs left behind from another employees’ food.
If the hygiene is upkept, these developments can be extremely valuable for maintaining happy and healthy working lives for employees. Therefore office cleaning is going to be advancing and developing hugely in the near future in order to keep up with the advancements in office buildings.