Currently, many of us are combining working from home with a return to the office, or at least contemplating doing so. As this ambivalent situation looks likely to continue for some time, staying safe in the office needs to become part of the job.
Though guidelines exist for employers to try and keep employees safe, employees need to play their part too.
Clearly, the longer we spend in close proximity to someone who is infected, the more likely we are to pick up Covid-19 ourselves either directly or from getting the virus on our fingers from surfaces, and then touching our own eyes, nose or mouth before we’ve washed them.
Experts suggest that on return to the office, as well as following the steps taken by the employer to prevent the spread, we should follow these steps to protect ourselves and others.
- If you have any symptoms, don’t go into work
- Wear a mask and assume that you’ll be wearing it for while so make sure it’s comfortable and you can live with it
- Apply hand sanitizer frequently from you own personal supply
- Keep your workspace, computer equipment and phone clean using disinfectant wipes or spray
- Keep you distance even though it may feel antisocial. It might be worth exploring the possibility of putting up barriers between workspaces, even temporarily, as this may help prevent transmission
- Keep windows open to increase airflow
- Make sure that when you’re eating in shared spaces – obviously without a mask – to try and maintain an adequate social distance. Staggered lunchtimes would help.
Finally, when you arrive home, remember to wash your hands.Â